Big Changes Ahead for GForge in 2020
With 2020 well underway we are hard at work on a bunch of new features that will take your collaboration to the next level. Before we cover what’s in store, be sure to checkout a recap of the “Top 8 GForge Features from 2019”
OAuth Support – Not only will GForge support OAuth, over time we will include support services like Google, ADFS and GitHub.
Conferencing Support – GForge will be looking to add support to conferencing solutions like and WebEx allowing you to launch meetings right from within GForge.
Auto Tagging – There’s a lot of information in a commit. In 2020 GForge will harvest information from commits to provide better analytics. For example, a commit including Java, Javascript and SQL changes will add tags with those technologies to both the project and the author. Similarly, GForge will tag individual tickets in the same manner.
Git Improvements – GForge will be adding Git Large File Support (LFS) this year allowing individual files of up to 2GB to be included as part of pushes.
GitHub Migration – GForge will allow you to import projects from GitHub into GForge which will migrate the Git repository and GitHub Issues.
Workflow Improvements – GForge will add webhook support to ticket workflows allowing for deeper integration. Additionally GForge will include support to lock tickets as part of the existing workflows.
Document Thumbnails – Anywhere you add documents in GForge including tickets, Docman, etc GForge will generate thumbnail images you can preview before deciding if you want to download them.