GForge 21.0 Released!
We’re happy to announce the immediate availability of GForge 21.0. This is largely a feature release with a number of bug fixes sprinkled in..
Highlights in GForge 21.0
- Tickets: You can now create and update tickets using a CVS.
- Tickets: Go to any ticket you have access to using the # in the search bar (e.g #1234)
- Tickets: When saving a ticket, all validation errors are shown in a modal window.
- Tracker: You can create reports that filter using keywords, tags and submitter.
- Documents: You can now upload entire folders (drag-n-drop supported)
- My Reports: We made major improvements to the scalability and speed when running large reports.
- Releases: We added a new Downloads report. GForge was already tracking the download data so this will work for all existing projects.
- Git/SVN/CVS: You can now share links directly to files in the GForge interface (authentication/authorization checks are performed).
- Git/SVN/CVS: You can now require a commit message without having to require a ticket number.
- LDAP: We now ship a script that will disable GForge accounts for users no longer in LDAP.
- We have published the “Tour” button content for any pages that had no content.
The 21.0 ChangeLog will help you understand the changes you can expect.
Just a reminder for customers still running GForge Advanced Server (v6.4.5 and prior) we have officially dropped support as of October of 2020. We will still answer any support questions about older releases but we will not be providing any future code updates or patches. Please feel free to reach out to us for a free consultation on the planning and upgrade paths.
Check back soon as we’ll be sharing our plans for the rest of 2021!